About the Company

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Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
BSL - Best Shipping Logistic. Established in 2009, a brand new company lead by a 18 years experienced professional in shipping industry and freight forwarding services at southern Brazilian ports: Santos, Paranagua, Sao Francisco do Sul and Itajai. One stop shopping: __________________ - seafreight quotation for Fcl, Lcl and Break Bulk. - Customs Clearance. - Warehousing. - Door Delivery. - Multimodal transportation. - Accreditation of Nvocc b/l. Our goal is to provide logistic for excellence ensuring cost effective and hassle free trade enviroment.

Apr 9, 2009

Post about vessels line up for loading sugar in Brazil

Queue for loading sugar in the country went down to 24 vessels

The queue to load sugar in Brazilian ports was 24 vessels in the week ended April 8, compared with 29 at previous week, according to Williams Brazil Agents.
Ships scheduled shipment of the 747,969 tonnes in the next month, compared to 732,080 tonnes in the previous week's report.
Most of the sugar will be shipped via Santos port , which will load 601,770 tonnes, compared with 540,231 tonnes last week.
The port of Maceio is forecasting shipments of 69,699 tons, and Paranaguá should have some 29,000 tons.
Most of the sugar to be exported is the variety VHP , adding 656,959 tonnes against 636,299 tonnes the previous week.
The volume of sugar reached 42,000 tons, compared with 56,000 tons last week.
Dow Jones

:: UDOP ::: "09/04/09 - A fila para carregar açúcar nos portos brasileiros era de 24 navios na semana encerrada em 8 de abril, em comparação com 29 na semana anterior, segundo a agência marítima Williams Brazil. Os navios agendaram o embarque de 747.969 toneladas no próximo mês, em comparação a 732.080 toneladas no relatório da semana anterior.

A maior parte do açúcar será embarcada pelo Porto de Santos, de onde sairão 601.770 toneladas, ante 540.231 toneladas na semana passada. O porto de Maceió tem previsão de embarque de 69.699 toneladas, e o de Paranaguá deve embarcar 29 mil toneladas.

A maior parte do açúcar a ser exportado é da variedade VHP, somando 656.959 toneladas, contra 636.299 toneladas na semana anterior. O volume de açúcar cristal alcançou 42 mil toneladas, ante 56 mil toneladas na semana passada. As informações são da Dow Jones."

Press release sugar - Available only in Portuguese

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Apr 8, 2009

GPA By the Numbers - Georgia port Authority

Curitiba, 8th April 2009 .

GPA - Georgia, USA.

Click in the above link and have an interesting statistic of Gpa 5 years growth and a breakdown in teus of import /export moves at us.east and west coast port.

Have a great time.

Apr 7, 2009

Optimism text

The Ziglar Weekly Newsletter » April 7, 2009, Edition 14: "I’m truly fortunate because I am optimistic by nature. I might not spend my last two dollars to buy a money belt, but I am very optimistic about the future. Dr. William Arthur Ward said that “the doors of opportunity are open to the optimist. Gates of achievement swing wide for the person who sees infinite possibilities in the insignificant.”
Most of us would rather be around a person who sees hope in the future than one who sees nothing but trouble ahead. I’m talking about the kind of optimism which sees a solution in every problem, optimism that looks for the solution instead of concentrating on the problem. In his 1828 Dictionary, Noah Webster said that optimism is the “opinion or doctrine that everything in nature is ordered for the best, or, the order of things in the universe that is adapted to produce the most good.” The pessimist and pessimism are not identified by Noah Webster in his dictionary.
Optimism is a valid approach to life because when we encounter difficulties, if we are optimistic we will immediately start thinking about a solution to the difficulty, whereas the pessimist will look at a problem and ask, “I wonder what’s going to happen next?” or say, “There’s nothing I can do.” The interesting thing is psychologists will tell you those are self-fulfilling prophecies. That’s the reason I so love what Dr. Ward says about optimism: “Deep optimism is aware of problems, but recognizes the solution; knows about difficulties, but believes they can be overcome; sees the negative, but accentuates the positive; is exposed to the worst, but expects the best; has reason to complain, but prefers to smile.”
I rest my case and encourage you to think optimistical"

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Publications

BSL - Best Shipping Logistic - BRAZIL

Aiming to be a bench mark Blog for foreign trade issues, BSL is commited to continuosly publish valuable information to its clients & friends.

U.S Customs website is a useful tool and guideline for exporterstrading to United States.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Publications
CBP Core ValuesVigilance is how we ensure the safety of all Americans.

We are continuously watchful and alert to deter, detect and prevent threats to our Nation. We demonstrate courage and valor in the protection of our Nation.

Service to Country is embodied in the work we do. We are dedicated to defending and upholding the Constitution of the United States. The American people have entrusted us to protect the homeland and defend liberty.

Integrity is our cornerstone. We are guided by the highest ethical and moral principles. Our actions bring honor to ourselves and our agency.

Apr 6, 2009

Curitiba, 6th April 2009

Açúcar: Oferta global menor

Oferta global menor. Os preços futuros do açúcar fecharam em alta ontem, nas bolsas internacionais, impulsionados por notícias de que a oferta global da commodity deverá recuar no Brasil e na Índia, os dois maiores produtores mundiais, segundo a agência Bloomberg. Na bolsa de Nova York, os contratos para julho fecharam o dia a 13,33 centavos de dólar por libra-peso, com alta de 17 pontos. Na bolsa de Londres, os contratos para agosto encerraram a US$ 390,50 a tonelada, com aumento de US$ 2,20. A Índia, que também é a maior consumidora mundial de açúcar, está importando a matéria-prima pela primeira vez este ano depois de três anos de autossuficiência. No mercado paulista, a saca de 50 quilos fechou a R$ 46,77, segundo o índice Cepea/Esalq

Sugar: Low Global Offer

Sugar future prices went up yesterday on international stock market, burst by news that global offer will back off in Brazil and India, the two major world producers according Bloomberg agency. London stock contratcs for August closed at fob us$ 390.50 p/mt, increase of $2,20. India which is also major consumers of sugar is importing raw sugar after three year of auto sufficiency.

source: Valor Economico Brazil Journal.